Ok obvioulsy it wasn't my bachelorette party but lisa bought this fun camera that had littile sayings when you print them out, and she took this one of me and we didnt know what it was going to say. haha so we thought it was pretty funny that my pic ended up on that one! that might be the only time that i have that underneath my name!! the night was very fun, i think that Lori--the real bachelorette, had a good time.
Tracy, i got your message about the Race and i am very excited. i will be in Schamburg on sunday but i should be there in time to tune in! yeaaa!
today i am buys packing my stuff up for real this time! i am going through all my old files and throwing everything away. i found paperwork from 1999! ha i was 22 :)
ok i hope that everyone has a great day!