I love this picture. i took it last winter

on montclair while driving to work. Looking back it would have been a good idea to get out of the car and take the picture either that or clean my windshield first-oh well hind sight is 20/20. Anyway i thought it was a good pictire for the day b/c it does show that we do have another day, no matter what happened yesterday the sun is going to rise and we are granted a new start, we are lucky.
how beautiful is the picture, and we are lucky, I like how you put it
beautiful picture but it is way too early to go to work, it is no wonder winter is depressing. it's dark!
Also, i was thinking that you're not stalking charlie, you're just being persistent. that is the word i was looking for yesterday.
i know it is so dark in the winter :( oh well. Yeah i guess i am being persistent--ughhhhhhhh
i say what you say and what mom and tracy say. did i say that right
love it!!! you should be a writer!!!
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