Thursday, September 6, 2007

4 months later...

well exactly 4month after my stress fracture in Indy i hit the pavement again, well the track anyway.I went running with my friend Leslie and her running group last night at Notre Dame's track. I did 4 miles and it went really well. I am severely out of shape, but my foot did not hurt! woo hoo! i am so excited! i am not going to go again until next week b/c i do not want to push it. I think that i will stick to running on the track for awhile, the softer surface is better for my feel i am sure.

nothing else going on. Work is still not fun and thank goodness tomorrow is Friday. Still looking for something else.......................


Unknown said...

hay jj, great news on the foot. probably a good idea to take it a little slow. as far as the job situation just stay persistent and good things will happen. like you always say jj, when the going gets tough the tough get going. you can do it

Jayne said...

i know i am trying to stay positive. I am going to really look this weekend--i am going to send my resume everywhere!!!! hahaha :)

abbie said...

i dont know how you like to run. ive played soccer all my life and i hate it! oh well! but i did stay at a holiday inn last night...haha al metz would like that line!

A Year In The Life said...

send that resume everywhere!! you can do it! i'm cracking up at abbie's line about the holiday inn. haha. that is so dad but it would be more dad if it said, did you know that there are holiday inns in japan, you see, i went to japan this summer. haha.

Cathy said...

you girls are entirely too funny, I love that!