Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
well i am sick again and i can't even believe it. i never get sick. today is my first day off since the 9th and i am sick. ughhh! i have a cough and just don't feel good. this has been a tough cold and flu season for me, i usually never get sick. i am hoping that it doesn't get as bad as it did when i was in training, that was awful. i had plans of cleaning my house and putting my village out today but i do not think that is going to happen :( sad. i have to run to get something for my secret santa at work. ugh, spending money i don't have. luckicly i have a $25 credit to NY&CO so my person is getting something from there weather she likes it or not, she said something from Starbucks, well too bad-ha! am going to head there after i leave the library. back to work tomorrow and saturday but then i have sunday off.
ok that is all that is going on here--nothing too great.
ok that is all that is going on here--nothing too great.
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Well it has been over a month since i last blogged but i am now back and will hopefully be on more frequently! i am in full Verizon mode and have been workign a ton, i am getting the hankg of it again, so that is very good.
i have my Christmas decorations up, but not my village yet. i have thursday off so maybe i will have some time to do it then, i will be sad if i don't get it up, soi need to make it a priority!!!
not too much else is going on. my feet are very sore, i am in need of some practical shoes. ugh so very not fun!!!
i hope everyone had a good sunday!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Hello From Schaumburg
hello everyone! i am surving here in Schaumburg at a VERY janky Holiday Inn. I have been really sick with a cold and perhaps sinus infection--ughhh! i am starting to feel a little bit better. Mom is in town tonight and we went to dinner at Cheesecake Factory and then went shopping at Woodfield. I am pooped :) I will be ready to get home on friday, i am sure Lucy is really missing me. hahaha probably not she probably LOVES havin the place to herself!!!
ok talk to everyone later!!!
ok talk to everyone later!!!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Happy birthday Ab! right now i am sure you are having a very good time at your cookout!! Make sure to post lots of pics!!!!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Well it's official, i love being off of work!! ha! I didn't do too much yesterday, i DID go see Annabelle in her fun costume parade at school-she looked very cute as Cleopatra! Handed out candy last night, didn't get tons of kids, but the ones i did get were very cute.
I am at the library and on my way to the gym to go to a spin class, i figure there is NO need for me to not work out.
ok that is all that is going on, talk to you later :)
I am at the library and on my way to the gym to go to a spin class, i figure there is NO need for me to not work out.
ok that is all that is going on, talk to you later :)
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Real Last Day
Monday, October 29, 2007
Saturday Night
Ok obvioulsy it wasn't my bachelorette party but lisa bought this fun camera that had littile sayings when you print them out, and she took this one of me and we didnt know what it was going to say. haha so we thought it was pretty funny that my pic ended up on that one! that might be the only time that i have that underneath my name!! the night was very fun, i think that Lori--the real bachelorette, had a good time.
Tracy, i got your message about the Race and i am very excited. i will be in Schamburg on sunday but i should be there in time to tune in! yeaaa!
today i am buys packing my stuff up for real this time! i am going through all my old files and throwing everything away. i found paperwork from 1999! ha i was 22 :)
ok i hope that everyone has a great day!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Pink Day
Yesterday we had our "Passionate for Pink" day here at work. We all got to dress in pink and wear jeans. Each department decorated our areas. We sold "In celebrations of" and "in memory of" flyers and hung them up all over the office. i think we raised like $600 or something for Breast cancer awareness. It was a lot of fun. We have 3 breast cancer survivors who work here. Actually one works in my area and she isn't doing so well right now, her cancer came back and she has been ot of work since August, i don't know if she will make it back here. Anway it was a fun day here. Last year we were on the news for it but id on't know if they came this year or not. I am in the front row of the picture.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Shoes for Dress

i think that i am going to get these shoes to go with my dress for the wedding i have on the 3rd--i have a red clutch bag that i am going to use too, ithink it will be cute and give the outfit a little pizazz-haha:) i put a pic of the dress up too in case you all forgot what it looked like. Nothing else is going on....at all! Oh i did get a call from VZW saying that my background check cameback ok and they have me down for the training on Nov 5th--phew!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Beautiful Saturday
it is so pretty outside today! the leaves are changing colors and the sun is shining!! love it! I met shannon underwood for lunch today at old chicago downtown. she is doing good, she is still not feeling well, but is hoping the sick feeling goes away soon, she isn't actually getting sick just feels like she is going to all of the time--YUCK! Not too much else is going on today.i am going to head back home and continue cleaning, i got the way downstairs done this morning, need to to living room, i have laundry everywhere--at least it is clean i guess :) I went over to karyns last night to hang out with the shorts and abbie-it was fun, the kids (and rick) befriended a little kitten, alan named him Crawford. Did he stick around for long? well i hope that everyone is having a good day!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
happy friday everyone! i am very ready for the weekend, i do not have big plans but it will be nice to just get stuff done around my house!
We had a bake sale at work today to raise money for postage for the packages we send to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan--you should have seen the MAD dash to get in there when it started at 8:30-people were throwing elbows! it was funny. i got a pumpkin cookie--there were LOTS of good stuff. i think when i leave here i will probably lose 15lbs-LOL! seriously though!
I got my hair cut again on Tuesday, megan just did it at her house. i have gotten SO many compliments on it!!! i love it! she just took it up more, but for some reason people have really noticed, very fun to get compliments :)
Ok i should get going. Isn't this pic of this dog hilarious??? it was in some email i got, what a cute little guy. i bet he hated being in that costume. Tracy he is a Shih-Tzu, maybe you can get that outfit far Ral???!!! :)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Cute Puppy

Awww isn't this pup cute?! he is on the Foster Pets website where you can foster or adopt cats and dogs. He is a cocker spaniel/dashound mix-his name is Klondike. I am not going to get a dog anyday soon, but if i was going too i would adopy a little one from this place :) cute. i hope he goes to a good family.
Monday, October 15, 2007
It is monday and so weird to think that i am back here at MQgroup when i really thought i would be at VZW-life is nuts sometimes. Not too much going on here. The rest of my sunday was good, i worked out and then came home and watched Sunday night TV. Going over to Leslie's tongiht to watch The Bachelor, it isn't my turn to make anything so i get to just go and pig out :) love it! this is my poor scale in the morning-LOL!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Happy Sunday. Not too much going on here, iam over at Karyns and we are trying to figure out how to download songs on hew new phone! Hmmm we are having some trouble. This weekend has been pretty good. Went to Kellehers with Lisa and then downt o Maritinis for a bit on Friday, i did not drunk dial--disappointing i know. Yesterday i cleaned a little bit and then went to Sue's for her annual cookout. it was ok. lots of families there so i felt pretty out of place, i didn't stay for too long. i ended up going home and reading and then fell asleep for 12 hours!!! hahaha :) i guess i needed it. so now i am over at karyns and i am going to head to the gym soon. Pretty boring life i am leading!! oh well!
Friday, October 12, 2007
crazy friday!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Hello! I love this Isabel Bloom, it is a new one and the name of it is "The Courage to Grow", i think that is very sweet. It is my second to last day here at MQgroup and my department had a food day for me. they had a big Congratulations sign up for me and everything, they are really sweet and i will miss them. I have eaten my weight in sweets today though. ughhh! that is all that is going on right now, i am trying to clean up my mess of a desk! hahaha. i hope that everyone is having a good day!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
It's Official
ok it is finally official-i got the job! i am very excited. I am also sad at the same time. i have really enjoyed my time at Marquette Group, but it is time to move on, i have bills to pay! if all goes well i will start next monday. I never really thought i would go back to VZW but oh well, i am sure it will be good!!!!
Monday, October 8, 2007
It's been a few days...
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
The week is officially half way over! WOO HOO!!! I am STILL waiting to hear something from VZW--ughhh just let me know alredy-either way! Oh well i guess all i can do at this point is continue to wait. Nothing else is really going on. I wish i had something exciting to write about, but i don't....so i will sign off!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Good morning everyone! isn't this picture hyserical? sometimes i worry that when i wear a skirt to work i am going to walk out of the bathroom and one of my "cheeks" will be hanging out-hahaha!! Luckily it hasn't happened yet. Not too much going on today. I hope that the day goes b quickly!!! have a good one!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
the weekend is wrapping up and it was a fun one. I had a really good time visiting with my Verizon friends, ihadn't seen most of them for 2+ years. Very fun to catch up. I think i have a bit of the flu or something today. didn't feel good in the middle of the night and today am really tired and just want to sleep, i hope that it goes away soon!! I did win my dress on Ebay! woo hoo! now i just hope that it fits!!! i will keep you posted! bye!
Friday, September 28, 2007
on way to Quads
Hello all! i am at the PH library getting ready to head to the QCA for Mike Carroll's retirement party. Not too much going on. it was nice to have today off of work! i watched the thursdays shows last night and they were good! Greys was good and i think i am going to like that new show after it Big Shots--love fall TV!!!
Ok i think i am going to sign off, there is a creepy guy sitting next to me---ewwww gross!
talk to everyone later!
Ok i think i am going to sign off, there is a creepy guy sitting next to me---ewwww gross!
talk to everyone later!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007
i was outbid on the dress and i havent put another bid in yet, have to think about it as i found another very cute onei really love. hmmmmm what to do?? will for sure keep you posted. Going over to Leslie's tonight to watch tv--new shows start tonight!!! yeaaa! iam making a goat cheese dip--i hope it turns out, i will let you all know tomorrow. ok am going to try add a song, not real sure if it will work or not??
Sunday, September 23, 2007
ebay dress
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Not too much going on here today, the week is half over so i guess that is a good thing. Had a dermatologist appointment today, it is pretty sweet that i am 31 and still have acne to the degree that I have to go to the Derm. Oh well i guess i am glad that the option is there. I am ready for the day/week/month to be over!!!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Car Accident

well it is for sure a monday, got in a car accident on my way to work. i was on prospect heading downtown when a teenage girl taking a left onto Prospect off of Nebraska pulled out in front of me. THere were 2 cars parked on the road kind of blocking her view and i am sure she didn't see me. i felt back for her but it was totally her fault. so the picture shows the damage :( my poor Honda. Oh well i will get it fixed and it will be ok. i think i feel ok, kind of have a little heachace. i think i will survive though.
nothing else going on, that has been my excitement for the day. oh on a better note i have gotten lots of complimetns on my hair--yeaaaaa!!!!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
new hair

Ok here is a pic of my new hair "do" this isn't the best pic (obviously) i took it with my cell phone, but believe me it was the best
like 8 that i took! i think i like the new cut, it is something different and that is what i was looking for. Emmy's are on tonight--yeaaa! it is beautiful outside, so i better stop writing and go enjoy it!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
It is the weekend-yeaaaa! love it. It is a beaituful day out today. I mowed the lawn today (just the front, of course :) and watered the flowers. My Black Eyed Susan is slowly taking over the world and it grapped onto my Hibiscus and pulled it over!!! SOOOO i have to move the Hibiscus to the front to the bully BES won't bother it anymore. I am wondereing when these flowers are going to give up for the year, oh well as long as they are still pretty i will still love them.
I am getting my hair cut at 2 today. I am thinking of going for a slight "posh" look. I don't want it as short as hers but i do like the idea, we'll see, i just know i need something new!!!
I am doing laundry right now which poses a problem b/c my washer isn't getting all of the water out when it is done, so i am ringing everything out--ahhhh! it takes forever.
ok that is all for now. i will try and put a put a picture of my new hair later.
I am getting my hair cut at 2 today. I am thinking of going for a slight "posh" look. I don't want it as short as hers but i do like the idea, we'll see, i just know i need something new!!!
I am doing laundry right now which poses a problem b/c my washer isn't getting all of the water out when it is done, so i am ringing everything out--ahhhh! it takes forever.
ok that is all for now. i will try and put a put a picture of my new hair later.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The Cuellars

Kate and her girls came to visit me yesterday! Isabella is a doll and little Olivia is so sweet. We went to dinner at Monicals. It was great to catch up with Katie, she looks great and i think she is finding the joys of dealing with 2 kids :)
nothing else is going on, i am very ready for the weekend!!! i hope we have a nice one.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I love this picture. i took it last winter
on montclair while driving to work. Looking back it would have been a good idea to get out of the car and take the picture either that or clean my windshield first-oh well hind sight is 20/20. Anyway i thought it was a good pictire for the day b/c it does show that we do have another day, no matter what happened yesterday the sun is going to rise and we are granted a new start, we are lucky.

Monday, September 10, 2007
i am kind of pathetic
Ok i am kind of pathetic and i emailed Charlie again. Mainly b/c i realized that the email address i sent the email to a couple of weeks ago is different then the one on his card, so i just forwarded the email to that address with a little note saying that i wanted to make sure all my basis were covered :) think he knows i am serious now? he probably thinks i am a stalker. hahaha oh well i figured i have nothing to lose--i am the dumba** who turned down the job in the first place. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well it is Monday, and we all know how i feel about mondays.....AHHHHHH!!! oh well not much i can do about it. I had a good weekend. Dad and i got a lot of branches off of my enourmous tree in back. Well i say him and me but it was really just him. I will say i do get a bit nervous when he is on the latter, but as we all know the average man wouldn't be able to handle it the way he does. LOL!
Not too much else is going on. I am going to try and work out after work, haven't run since last wednesday but i might give it a go tonight,we'll see.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
4 months later...

well exactly 4month after my stress fracture in Indy i hit the pavement again, well the track anyway.I went running with my friend Leslie and her running group last night at Notre Dame's track. I did 4 miles and it went really well. I am severely out of shape, but my foot did not hurt! woo hoo! i am so excited! i am not going to go again until next week b/c i do not want to push it. I think that i will stick to running on the track for awhile, the softer surface is better for my feel i am sure.
nothing else going on. Work is still not fun and thank goodness tomorrow is Friday. Still looking for something else.......................
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Well the picture above pretty much explains what was waiting at my desk when i got back from lunch, actually there were 12 of them! i did only eat 1 though, i was delicious. One of my counterparts at work gave a dozen to me and to Nick b/c we are all working on the same account and it is hell.
Nothing new to report, no phone calls yet, still selling stuff on ebay, counting calories (even the cupcake-ha) and lucy is still fat.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Well it is Tuesday but really feels like a monday--yikes! sometimes 3 day weekends are bad b/c it is that much harder to come back to work!!! oh well. Not too much going on here today. i woke up at 6:35 and have to be here at 7!!! Needless to say i don't look like my beautiful self--LOL!!!! oh well what can you do. I have to mail some ebay items after work. I have pilates tongiht which i have to go to b/c i didn't go at all last week. Today started my first day of eating better, i am actually counting my calories, don't worry i won't post how many i have had today (520) but i will say it is amazing how many calories are in everything!! oh well it will be good for me.
alright all--have a great day!! only 3.5 days till the weekend--WOO HOO!
Monday, September 3, 2007

Hello everyone and Happy Labor day!! Can i please tell you how much i LOVE not being at work today? well i really love it a lot! It is very nice out today, i was even out in my BACK yard this morning, sitting in the sun, can't believe that my backyard gets sun now but it does and it felt great!
Yesterday was a very fun day, mom and dad were in town and we had a great cookout at the Shorts, i ate a lot and am paying for it today, oh well diet will REALLY start tomorrow.
I have 3 things to ship out tomorrow from my ebay sales, i think i have made about $50 or so which isn't too shabby, it is good to get rid of things and make a little $$ also!
ok i put this pic of Becks on here b/c i mean really, he is a total hottie!!!!
have a great day!
Friday, August 31, 2007

Another week down! yea! i am very excited for the long weekend! i have a lot of cleaning and yard work in my near future. oh well.
No new news on the job front, i applied to another job online last night, hopefully i will hear from one of these jobs soon, i am beyond nervous about it.
I decided to put violet as my pic b/c i think she is so sweet. i think she is my fav.
hope everyone has a good day!
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hello everyone! i haven't posted in a few days mainly b/c i have been trying to figure out what the heck to do with my life. I have been applying for several different jobs and hopefully i will hear something back soon, we'll see.
Nothing new to really report.....will hopefully have some exciting news soon! oh-i put this pic up b/c i think it is hysterical!!!! Mad Holly!!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
hello everyone. i am at the Heights Library right now, i had to come here and get a card b/c since i live in the Heights now my Lakeview one is no longer valid--don't ask me why, i think it is kind of silly, they actually took it away from me??? so i am here and it is a pretty nice library but the keyboard i am using is VERY clanky and loud!
Sold something else on ebay today, a pair of pants. I am still having a lot of fun with it all. I have 3 other items that have bids on them, so that is fun.
didn't get an email from Charlie. I am really at my wits end at work. it is just bad and i really don't want to be there anymore.
Well i have pilates tonight and i think will try and work out before, lord knows i can use it!
Sold something else on ebay today, a pair of pants. I am still having a lot of fun with it all. I have 3 other items that have bids on them, so that is fun.
didn't get an email from Charlie. I am really at my wits end at work. it is just bad and i really don't want to be there anymore.
Well i have pilates tonight and i think will try and work out before, lord knows i can use it!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
well i sold my first item....$7.01! yeaaa! i will actually get a littl emore then that b/c i think i charged like $5 to ship it and it shouldn't be that much. Very fun.
ok i am still at work and i want to get outta here.
ok i am still at work and i want to get outta here.

Yeaaaa it is friday! what a great day! i love fridays. everything went pretty well yesterday, i feel ok today, a little uncomfortable but nothing to bad. Don't have a lot of time to write. This pic was taking almost 2 years ago at our Company Holiday party, i thought it was kind of a happy FRIDAY picture.
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Isn't this dog adorable? it is called a Morkie and it is a mix of a Yorkie and a Maltese, i am pretty sure i need to get one someday. The week is almost over and i couldn't be happier about it! This has been a long week and i am very ready for it to be over. I have my big "procedure" at 2:10 today, i am just ready for it to be over.
Ebay news--2 of my items are have bids! i am very excited and having basically been stalking my bids.
ok i don't have a very long break and there is some more things i need to check online...Dlisted...so i am going to sign off!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Happy Hump day! Not too much going on here today except that it is really hot out! i just ran to the post office to send 2 books i sold off Amazon (yeaaa) and it is just gross. I saw peole walking down to eat at the carts--ugh no thank you. i do love summer and i don't really mind the heat but eating outside in it while in work attire sounds like NO fun at all! I don't think i would want to be sitting by those people when they get back from lunch--stinky!
Nothing else to report, Ebay is going ok, someone has a question about a pair of pants, so i have to figure out the answer and get back to her--ahhhhh!!!!
ok everyone please answer my survey :)
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
ok people it is Tuesday-at least Monday is o-v-e-r! AND i just just checked ebay and my shirt is up to 2.25! yeaaaa.
ok i have to work!! more later.
ok i have to work!! more later.
Monday, August 20, 2007
eBay Update
Ok there is a bidding war going on with one of my items..it is up to .15-woo hoo :) There is still a few days left so maybe i can get it up to $1.00. One can dream i guess LOL.
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